Family - Legal Services

In Switzerland, family affairs such as marriage, parenthood and divorce are regulated by the Swiss Code of Civil Law (ZGB, art. 90-251). The international aspect of a divorce involving one or two expats impacts and influences many points in the divorce process and could affect the applicable law or even the competence of the local judge. It is therefore, highly recommended that expats who are planning to divorce, contact a competent Swiss family lawyer; to ensure that all questions relating to the divorce are clearly answered and that you receive competent assistance throughout the entire divorce process.

You can also rely on us to guide you through difficult times of separation and to work with you on the terms of divorce settlements such as parental care, alimony, dissolution of matrimonial property regime, etc. We carry out lawsuits and assist you in enforcing court decisions such as the collection of past-due alimony, we are located in Basel and you can book a free consultation with us.

Our family attorneys counsel couples in judicial issues such as cohabitation and draft and notarise marriage contracts, as well as contracts for concubinage and civil union.